2020 Shows
Click on the date to go to a page with more information about the show and access to any available photos, videos, or audio of it. Each show is formatted like this:
Date - City, State/Province, Country - Location/Venue (Show Description)
- Photos available - Videos available - Audio available - Setlist available
January 15 - Vancouver, BC - The Settlement Building (Launch event for Lyft Vancouver)
November 16 - The Kelly Clarkson Show (Prerecorded video, aired November 20)
November 16 - The Today Show (Prerecorded video, aired November 27)
Cancelled Shows:
May 18 - Spokane, WA - Knitting Factory Concert House
May 19 - Missoula, MT - The Wilma
May 20 - Boise, ID - Knitting Factory Concert House
May 21 - Eugene, OR - McDonald Theatre
May 23 - Napa, CA - Bottlerock Napa Valley
May 24 - San Diego, CA - SOMA
May 26 - Phoenix, AZ - The Van Buren
May 27 - Tucson, AZ - Rialto Theatre
May 30 - Denver, CO - Ogden Theatre
June 1 - Kansas City, MO - The Truman
June 2 - Saint Louis, MO - The Pageant
June 3 - Indianapolis, IN - Egyptian Room @ Old National Centre
June 6 - Chicago, IL - Riviera Theater
June 20 - Minneapolis, MN - Walker Art Center (Rock the Garden)
July 9-July 11 - St. Clements, MB - Birds Hill Provincial Park (Winnipeg Folk Festival)
July 30 - Portland, OR - Oregon Zoo Amphitheatre
August 1 - Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Palladium
August 5 - Houston, TX - Warehouse Live Ballroom
August 6 - Dallas, TX - House of Blues
August 7 - Tulsa, OK - Tulsa Theater
August 10 - Detroit, MI - The Fillmore Detroit
August 11 - Cleveland, OH - House of Blues
August 13 - Toronto, ON - Rebel Complex
August 14 - Montreal, QC - MTELUS
August 15 - Boston, MA - House of Blues
August 17 - New Haven, CT - College Street Music Hall
August 18 - New York, NY - Pier 17
August 21 - Philadelphia, PA - The Fillmore
August 22 - Washington, DC - The Anthem
August 24 - Richmond, VA - The National
August 25 - Norfolk, VA - Norva
August 28 - Pittsburgh, PA - Roxian Theatre
August 30 - Nashville, TN - Brooklyn Bowl
September 1 - Charleston, SC - Charleston Music Hall
September 2 - Atlanta, GA - Tabernacle
October 20-October 26 - Melissa Etheridge Cruise