2019 Shows
Click on the date to go to a page with more information about the show and access to any available photos, videos, or audio of it. Every show is separated by the tour it was a part of, and clicking on the tour name will bring you to a page with more information and miscellaneous photos and videos from it. Each show is formatted like this:
​Date - City, State/Province, Country - Location/Venue (Show Description)
- Photos available - Videos available - Audio available - Setlist available
June 1 - New York, NY - Javits Center (Bookcon)​
June 29 - West Valley City, UT - Usana Amphitheater (Loveloud)
Hey, I’m Just Like You Tour
September 21 - Toronto, ON - Indigo Bay & Bloor (Book Event)
September 23 - New York, NY - Barnes and Noble (Book Event)
September 24 - New York, NY - MurMrr Theatre
September 26 - Los Angeles, CA - Barnes and Noble (Book Event)
September 28 - Los Angeles, CA - The Pico Union Project (Lambda LitFest)
September 28 - Los Angeles, CA - Orpheum Theatre
September 30 - San Diego, CA - Balboa Theatre
October 1 - San Francisco, CA - Sydney Goldstein Theater
October 3 - Portland, OR - Aladdin Theater
October 4 - Seattle, WA - Illsley Ball Nordstrom Recital Hall at Benaroya Hall
October 5 - Vancouver, BC - Vogue Theatre
October 9 - Edmonton, AB - Booster Juice Listener Lounge (SONiC Book Reading Session)
October 9 - Edmonton, AB - Myer Horowitz Theatre
October 10 - Calgary, AB - Bella Concert Hall​
October 13 - Saint Paul, MN - Fitzgerald Theatre
October 14 - Chicago, IL - Volumes Bookcafe (Book Event)
October 15 - Chicago, IL - Edlis Neeson Theater at the Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago Ideas Week)
October 15 - Evanston, IL - Northwestern University Cahn Auditorium
October 16 - Columbus, OH - Lincoln Theatre
October 17 - Royal Oak, MI - Royal Oak Music Theatre
October 18 - Toronto, ON - Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre
October 19 - Toronto, ON - Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre
October 22 - Ottawa, ON - Algonquin Commons Theatre
October 23 - Montreal, QC - Corona Theatre
October 25 - Boston, MA - Wilbur Theatre
October 26 - Glenside, PA - Keswick Theatre
October 27 - Washington, DC - Lincoln Theatre
October 29 - Nashville, TN - CMA Theater
October 30 - Atlanta, GA - Variety Playhouse
November 1 - Austin, TX - Paramount Theatre
November 16 - Brighton, UK - Theatre Royal
November 17 - London, UK - O2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire
November 19 - Manchester, UK - Albert Hall
December 3 - Los Angeles, CA - Warner Music (Event called “Our Night” for the Tegan and Sara foundation)
Cancelled Shows:
October 12 - Winnipeg, MB - The Garrick (Cancelled due to storm)