News: March 2001
March 2001
Thanks to everyone who came out to see us in January. It was a great tour, even though we had sinus infections and the flu. Tegan apologizes for having bad hair and our tour manager, Mike, says he will pack underwear next time. Although we spent much of the tour on a greyhound bus, bundled up and trying to sleep, we were delighted to have all of you show up, cheer us up, and watch us throw up.
We will be heading out again in April. Starting April 9th and ending the first week of May, we will hit Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and a few other wonderful Canadian cities. Watch for dates mid March.
We just did a WebCast at - The show will be archived here for about 2 weeks after the live broadcast (Mar 8 and 9).
Check out the March contest, watch for our new merchandise, make sure you are on our mailing list, and tell your friends. Rock out T and S fans.
Big Changes coming in March! Check back often to see the new stuff. As always, the live dates continue to be updated.
While you're waiting, we have a site we love that we think you should check…