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Shows in Edmonton, Alberta

Click on the date to go to a page with more information about the show and access to any available photos, videos, or audio of it.


August 31, 1999 - Commonwealth Stadium (Lilith Fair)

September 29, 1999 - New City Likwid Lounge

November 16, 1999 - Grant MacEwan Millwood
November 16, 1999 - Sidetrack Cafe
November 17, 1999 - Grant MacEwan City Centre

April 10, 2000 - Sidetrack Cafe
September 21, 2000 - Sidetrack Cafe

January 19, 2001 - Sidetrack Cafe

September 30, 2001 - Winspear Centre (Prairie Music Awards)

November 8, 2002 - Dinwoodie Lounge

September 7, 2003 - Dinwoodie Lounge

February 9, 2005 - Red’s

April 26, 2005 - Shaw Conference Center

September 25, 2007 - Francis Winspear Centre

September 26, 2007 - Myer Horowitz Theatre

January 11, 2010 - Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium

January 12, 2010 - SONIC FM studios (SONiC Session)

January 12, 2010 - Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium

July 6, 2011 - Myer Horowitz Theatre

March 3, 2013 - SONiC FM studios (SONiC Session)

March 3, 2013 - Shaw Conference Center

August 30, 2014 - Northlands Park (Sonic Boom)

June 6, 2015 - Commonwealth Stadium (FIFA Women’s World Cup)

October 8, 2016 - Booster Juice Listener Lounge (91.7 The Bounce)

October 8, 2016 - Shaw Conference Center

October 31, 2017 - Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium

October 26, 2018 - MacEwan University (SAMU Speakers Series)

October 9, 2019 - Booster Juice Listener Lounge (SONiC Book Reading Session)

October 9, 2019 - Myer Horowitz Theatre

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