2023 Shows
Click on the date to go to a page with more information about the show and access to any available photos, videos, or audio of it. Each show is formatted like this:
Date - City, State/Province, Country - Location/Venue (Show Description)
- Photos available - Videos available - Audio available - Setlist available
May 5 - Redondo Beach, CA - Beachlife Festival
May 30 - New York, NY - The Bell House / Books are Magic (Junior High Book Event)
May 31 - Boston, MA - Coolidge Corner Theater (Junior High Book Event)
June 2 - Santa Cruz, CA - Rio Theater / Bookshop Santa Cruz (Junior High Book Event)
​June 3 - Print: A Bookstore (Junior High Book Event)
June 4 - Vancouver, BC - Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Junior High Book Event)​
June 6 - Calgary, AB - Patricia A. Whelan Performance Hall, Central Library / Wordfest (Junior High Book Event)​
June 14 - Montreal, QC - L'Olympia
June 15 - Toronto, ON - The Danforth Music Hall
June 18 - Indianapolis, IN - WonderRoad Festival
June 20 - Nashville, TN - Ryman Auditorium
June 21 - St Louis, MO - The Pageant
June 23 - Milwaukee, WI - Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard (Summerfest)
July 6 - Washington, DC - The Atlantis
July 8 - Orillia, ON - Mariposa Folk Festival
July 9 - Ottawa, ON - LeBreton Flats (Ottawa Bluesfest)
July 14 - Cavendish, PEI - Sommo Festival Green Gables
July 29 - Saskatoon, SK - TCU Place Sid Buckwold Theatre
July 31 - Winnipeg, MB - Burton Cummings Theatre
August 16 - Portland, OR - Pioneer Courthouse Square
August 17 - Seattle, WA - Woodland Park Zoo
September 12 - Minneapolis, MN - First Avenue
September 15 - Chicago, IL - Riot Fest
September 16 - McKees Rocks, PA - Roxian Theatre
September 17 - Asbury Park, NJ - Sea.Hear.Now. Festival
September 20 - Huntington, NY - The Paramount
September 22 - Boston, MA - Roadrunner
September 23 - Camden, NJ - XPoNential Music Festival
September 24 - Richmond, VA - Brown’s Island
September 26 - Asheville, NC - The Orange Peel
September 27 - Charleston, SC - Charleston Music Hall
September 28 - Durham, NC - The Carolina Theatre Fletcher Hall
October 2 - Atlanta, GA - Tabernacle
October 3 - Orlando, FL - Hard Rock Live Orlando
October 14 - Austin, TX - Austin City Limits Music Festival
November 3 - Salt Lake City, UT - Delta Center (Loveloud)
November 4 - Solvang, CA - Solvang Festival Theatre
Cancelled shows:
May 3 - Solvang, CA - Solvang Festival Theatre​