2011 Shows
Click on the date to go to a page with more information about the show and access to any available photos, videos, or audio of it. Every show is separated by the tour it was a part of, and clicking on the tour name will bring you to a page with more information and miscellaneous photos and videos from it. Each show is formatted like this:
​Date - City, State/Province, Country - Location/Venue (Show Description)
- Photos available - Videos available - Audio available - Setlist available
February 14 - New York, NY - Ed Sullivan Theater (Late Show with David Letterman)
March 16 - New York, NY - Le Poisson Rouge (Doveman)
April 11 - Los Angeles, CA - Henry Fonda Theatre (ELLE's Women In Music Concert Event)
April 23 - New York, NY - Le Poisson Rouge​ (Burgundy Stain Sessions)
April 26 - New York, NY - Knitting Factory (An Horse)
July 3 - Saskatoon, SK - Delta Bessborough Gardens (Saskatchewan Jazz Festival)
July 5 - Ottawa, ON - LeBreton Flats Park (Ottawa Bluesfest)
July 6 - Edmonton, AB - Myer Horowitz Theatre
July 7 - St. Clements, MB - Birds Hill Provincial Park (Winnipeg Folk Festival)
July 8 - Calgary, AB - Grand Theatre
July 9 - Calgary, AB - Grand Theatre
July 30 - Newport, RI - Fort Adams State Park (Newport Folk Festival)
October 15 - Los Angeles, CA - Avalon (Morgan Page)
Get Along Screenings
November 12 - Austin, TX - The Alamo Drafthouse in South Lamar (Screening with Q&A)
November 13 - Vancouver, BC - The Rio Theatre (T&S not in attendance)
November 14 - Calgary, AB - The Globe Theatre (T&S not in attendance)
November 15 - Los Angeles, CA - The Vista Theater (Screening with Q&A)
November 16 - San Francisco, CA - The Brava (T&S not in attendance)
November 17 - Toronto, ON - The Tiff Bell Lightbox Theater (Screening with Q&A)
November 21 - New York, NY - Village East Cinema (Screening with Q&A)
November 21 - New York, NY - Live Stream HQ