2006 Shows
Click on the date to go to a page with more information about the show and access to any available photos, videos, or audio of it. Every show is separated by the tour it was a part of, and clicking on the tour name will bring you to a page with more information and miscellaneous photos and videos from it. Each show is formatted like this:
​Date - City, State/Province, Country - Location/Venue (Show Description)
- Photos available - Videos available - Audio available - Setlist available
Japan Tour
January 9 - Osaka, Japan - Club Quattro
January 10 - Nagoya, Japan - Club Quattro
January 11 - Shibuya, Japan - Club Quattro
January 12 - Harajuku, Japan - Astro Hall
The Cake Ultimate Sunshine Tour
January 19 - Worcester, MA - The Palladium
January 20 - New York, NY - Hammerstein Ballroom
January 21 - Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
January 22 - Cleveland, OH - House of Blues
January 24 - Kansas City, MO - Uptown Theater
January 25 - Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium
January 27 - Phoenix, AZ - Celebrity Theatre
January 29 - Las Vegas, NV - House of Blues
January 30 - San Diego, CA - House of Blues
January 31 - Los Angeles, CA - The Wiltern
February 1 - San Francisco, CA - The Warfield
Australia Tour
February 11 - Perth, WA, Australia - The Becks Verandah, Perth Concert Hall, The UWA Perth
February 12 - Adelaide, SA, Australia - The Governor Hindmarsh
February 14 - Melbourne, VIC, Australia - JB HiFi on Bourke St (In-store)
February 15 - Melbourne, VIC, Australia - Corner Hotel
February 16 - Brisbane, QLD, Australia - The Zoo
February 17 - Sydney, NSW, Australia - Gaelic Theatre
Cancelled Shows:
January 18 - Conan